2025 Pizza Bingo
You must SIGN UP HERE before purchasing tickets below.
No walk-ins. Each session is limited to 100 people.
This is one of our most attended events of the year. The teachers and staff will be "celebrity" bingo callers and students can win a variety of prizes. It is a fun activity on a cold winter night and a great way to meet other families. In order to accommodate as many families as possible, we ask that each family only attend once. The PTO will be sending out a flyer next week and the information to sign up will be on their website. If you would like to help at one of the pizza bingo nights (serving pizza, clean-up, etc) please email AikenPTOvolunteers@gmail.com
The dates are as follows:
Session 1: Tuesday, January 21st from 6:00-7:15
Session 2: Thursday, January 30th from 6:00-7:15
Session 3: Wednesday, February 5th from 6:00-7:15